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  • : james.hughes
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July 20 2011 3 20 /07 /July /2011 08:12

Sponge Bob Square Pants is one of the most popular children cartoon characters and is fairly simple to draw. This article explains how you can draw pictures of Sponge Bob and impress all of your friends and demonstrate that you don't need to know how to sketch in order to be able to draw Nickelodeon cartoons.


It is always advised when drawing a picture of a cartoon character, or anything for that matter, that you have a picture of what you are drawing in front of you in order to follow it as a template.

Start off by drawing guidelines for Sponge Bob. These should be drawn in pencil so that they can be rubbed out later on. Fairly obviously, start off by drawing a rectangle box shape followed by a line directly down the middle of the box.

Then add two lines to form the basis of his legs.

The face

Draw big round circles either side of the line that you have drawn down the middle of the box. Make them nice and big and have them both joining the line.

At the bottom of the legs, draw long circles for Sponge Bob's feet followed by long circles at the side of the box for Sponge Bob's arms.

The eyes

In order to develop the eyes, draw two smaller circles within the circles that you have already drawn to form Sponge Bob's pupils.

Then, add a finger shape pointing out to the left followed by a crescent shape just below the nose to form Sponge Bob's nose.

Make the crescent in the shape to look like a smile.

Facial detail

Draw a larger crescent below the first crescent to form the mouth followed by two squares directly at the top of the mouth for Sponge Bob's teeth.

At the corners of the mouth, draw two half circles to form Sponge Bob's cheeks in order to enhance the look of the smile.

Finally for the eyes, add three short lines at the top to make Sponge Bob's eyelashes

The 3D look

To add the 3D look, add three further lines at the back of the box with the line at the back of Sponge Bob joined up by two slightly slanted lines at the top and bottom of Sponge Bob.

Follow these by wobbly circular shapes to make the box shape look like a sponge whilst making the previous guidelines for the box wobbly.

Last step

Finally, we need to draw in Sponge Bob's suit. All you have to do is to draw a tie and his collar followed by a little bit for Sponge Bob's shorts. This can be matched to the picture of Sponge Bob that you were using as a template.

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