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July 22 2011 5 22 /07 /July /2011 09:11

Drawing cartoon people can be simple and easy when you know how to go about doing it. This article explains in simple step-by-step instructions how to do this.


When drawing anything, it is always a good idea to draw out guidelines first. Make sure that you draw these out in pencil so that you can erase the lines out when required. When drawing a cartoon person, it is important to draw symmetrical guidelines. First of all, draw a centre line down the centre of the page followed by a stick man. The man's body should form the basis of the centre line, with the arms leg and head coming out of it. Make sure that it is just a simple stick man and it will be easy to follow.

Hands and feet

Next come the hands and feet. When drawing a cartoon character, remember that drawings of people do not have to be realistic. Therefore, we can keep the hands and feet simple. So, start off by drawing simple circle shapes. Keep them in proportion with the stick person and keep them symmetrical with the arm and leg line coming directly in to the middle of the circles.

The body

Now, it's time to draw the body and turn those sticks into a body, arms and legs. Go over each of the four lines that make up the body of your stick person by drawing rectangles of equal size and positioning them directly over each line. Continue drawing the rectangles or any other shapes over the lines of the stick person or anything else that may have been included in the picture.Think of it as adding the muscles and organs on top of a human skeleton.

Completing the body

In order to make this stick man look like a proper cartoon character, you now need to join up the rectangle shapes to form one big shape. Now that this has been done, you can erase the centre line and go over the other lines using a pen in order to make them permanent.

Finishing off

Now finish the cartoon man off by adding your own unique element to it. Draw your own facial expressions in and add clothing if you wish. The best way to do this is by choosing your own colours when colouring in and deciding on different colours for each item of clothing.

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